Monday, April 30, 2012

A dog for's a fair trade.

It was over a year ago that our family was just giddy with excitement when we picked up our 8 week old Boxer puppy. How sweet it was when she fell asleep in our laps, chased us around the backyard, and played tug-a-war with a chew toy. Unfortunately, the excitement waned quickly when that puppy began chewing on anything and everything, including little 2 year old, Izzy's, toes. Along with many other reasons, after only 3 short weeks (actually, they were 3 really LONG weeks for me) we decided the puppy needed to be with a new family who could love her more than we could. It was a tearful experience for our then 5 year old as we all watched Macie leap into the arms of her new owner and slobber doggy kisses all over her face. We said our goodbyes with some not-so-slobbery hugs and kisses of our own...and then they were gone. It was difficult convincing our child that this was the best decision for our whole family. No words seemed to console her. And then my husband, completely out of desperation, told her we'd take her to Disney World to make it up to her. The tears dried up and finally a smile could be seen on her face and as you well know, a 5 year old isn't going to forget an offer like that! So, close to exactly a year after Macie left our home, we packed up the kids, including: 2 carseats, 2 strollers, 4 checked pieces of luggage, 3 carry-on bags, 2 blankies, 1 overflowing tote filled with snacks, and all the energy we could muster....and off to Orlando we went! April 23, 2012 - Day 1 The best part of this day for my now 6 year old was simply the fact that she got to miss school. Day 1 was just a travel day, but zooming through the sky in a big jet airliner is pretty awesome when you're only 3 and 6 years old so it went down as a great day in their books. Before we took off though, we headed over to the part of the airport where my husband flies out of and checked out his new "office". He is now officially type-rated to fly the Challenger 300 and it is one sweet ride. I'm anxiously awaiting my invitation to take my first flight! (I actually was already offered a ride but turned it down considering it was their very first flight. I'm not stupid. I realize they receive that type-rating after only flying in a SIMULATOR. I'll be waiting till the guys have a few more real-life landings under their belts.) :-) Anyhow, back to our trip. We arrived in Orlando with no complications. I have to say my kiddos are excellent travelers and they even toted their own carry-on bags...or should I say "they dragged, tripped over, tripped each other over, twisted, and flipped their own carry-on bags". Buuuuut, they got there and they did great! We arrived at the hotel, the Hilton Garden Inn and Suites - Lake Buena Vista, with plenty of time to check-in and unpack, then headed out for dinner. We're not big eaters and fine dining really wasn't on our priority list, so when we circled the parking lot three times looking for a spot outside of TGIFridays, we gave in to the kid's chantings from the backseat for... Taco Bell. See! It's not true that all I eat is chicken and veggies - so there! With full bellies and a ticking gut bomb (gross I know, but the truth must be told), we headed to bed with dreams of Mickey Mouse frolicking through Cinderella's castle. Okay, that's a total lie. But once we finally got up and put a pillow down the middle of the girls bed so they'd stay on their own sides and stop whining "she's kicking meeeee", everyone had a good nights sleep. Stay tuned for Day 2 at Magic Kingdom!